
4flow 携手Kinaxis推动供应链数字化变革

4flow携手助力于客户供应链从容决策的Kinaxis ,为彼此的共同客户提供RapidResponse®的应用与供应链变革服务。Kinaxis在全球拥有多家办事处,为来自各行各业的众多国际客户提供服务,并助力不同企业供应链及其业务的成功转型。

在本次战略合作的推动下,搭载独有同步规划引擎的Kinaxis RapidResponse®平台与深谙全球供应链流程及其相关IT基础架构的4flow实现有机结合,共同支持客户实现供应链数字化。

“我们4flow提供定制服务,全力解决客户供应链环境下的独特需求。为推动流程与系统的成功实施,确保供应链运营的可持续变革,我们采取久经淬炼的变革管理与最佳实践的解决方案,” 4flow首席运营官 Kai Althoff表示, “4flow 深知速度在供应链规划中的重要性,积极与Kinaxis建立战略合作关系,可以充分利用RapidResponse平台与同步规划技术。这意味着我们能够帮助彼此共有的客户快速做出决策,打破各行其是的困局,实现真正意义上的端对端供应链规划。”

4flow和Kinaxis为拥有复杂的经销网、制造与采购网的客户提供服务与支持,他们来自汽车、工业/化学、消费品、高科技与生命科学、医药等多个行业。由Kinaxis RapidResponse认证的4flow专业顾问团队覆盖全球业务,同时在欧洲拥有强大的客户群,将重点支持Kinaxis在欧洲市场的发展。

“4flow在供应链服务中采取的端对端方式与我们为客户提供高度透明化供应链的承诺不谋而合,” Kinaxis首席执行官John Sicard表示,“Kinaxis 与4flow共同致力于客户供应链的变革,帮助他们应用无缝对接、优化升级、未来无忧的数字化供应链技术与流程,进而能够做出更明智完善的决策。”

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this release constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements include statements as to Kinaxis' growth opportunities and the potential benefits of, and demand for, Kinaxis’ products and services. These statements are subject to certain assumptions, risks and uncertainties, including our view of the relative position of Kinaxis' products and services compared to competitive offerings in the industry. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such statements. Kinaxis' actual results, performance, achievements and developments may differ materially from the results, performance, achievements or developments expressed or implied by such statements. Risk factors that may cause the actual results, performance, achievements or developments of Kinaxis to differ materially from the results, performance, achievements or developments expressed or implied by such statements can be found in the public documents filed by Kinaxis with Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Kinaxis assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by law.